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Kangaroo Kickers

Kangaroo Kickers - HR1204

Goal- to introduce your child to the sport of soccer. The focus will be on learning the game in a pressure free environment. All children need for class is comfortable clothes.
3 Sections
Add Item Availability Description Ages Days Times Dates Price Res/NR Activity # Location
Unavailable Full Kangaroo Kickers 3-5.99 W 4:30 pm - 5:20 pm 09/04/2024 -10/02/2024 $85.00/$95.00 HR1204-01 Hawk Community Center
Unavailable Full Kangaroo Kickers 3-5.99 W 5:30 pm - 6:20 pm 09/04/2024 -10/02/2024 $85.00/$95.00 HR1204-02 Hawk Community Center
Unavailable Full Kangaroo Kickers 3-5.99 Sa 10:30 am -11:20 am 09/07/2024 -10/05/2024 $85.00/$95.00 HR1204-03 Hawk Community Center