Tri-Sports Mini - HR3233
Tri-Sports Mini
Tri-Sports Mini
Tri-Sports Mini
Introduce your little superstar to sports in a safe pressure-free environment! This multi-sport class uses age-appropriate games and activities to introduce your youngster to a different sport each week while practicing balance and coordination. Sports can include but are not limited to Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Kickball, T-Ball & Floor Hockey.
Introduce your little superstar to sports in a safe pressure-free environment! This multi-sport class uses age-appropriate games and activities to introduce your youngster to a different sport each week while practicing balance and coordination. Sports can include but are not limited to Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Kickball, T-Ball & Floor Hockey.
Charge When Not Billed:
Resident (Standard Fee): $85.00 = $85.00
Charge When Not Billed:
NR (Standard Fee): $95.00 = $95.00